Oral and Poster Guidelines

11th International Conference on Micro-Nanoelectronics, Micro-Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies

Oral Guidelines

  • Plenary presenters will be given 45min in total, which is distributed as 40min of presentation and 5 min of answering questions from the auditorium and changing of presenters at the podium.
  • Invited presentations will be given a slot of 20min in total, which is distributed as 17min of presentation and 3 min of answering questions from the auditorium and changing of presenters at the podium.
  • Oral presentations will be given a slot of 15min in total, which is distributed as 13min of presentation and 2 min of answering questions from the auditorium and changing of presenters at the podium.
  • Do not forget to send (kellinas@aegean.gr) a short resume before your arrival.

Poster Guidelines

  • Posters should be no larger than portrait A0 (841mm x 1189 mm).
  • All posters must be produced in English.
  • The poster message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation.
  • Your poster should include the title, author’s names and the organisation(s) where the work was completed.
  • Text throughout the poster should be kept brief and descriptions of methods should be clear and concise.